Sometimes, what we know about ourselves might get in the way of exploring paths we haven’t heard of or worlds we’re not used to. Sometimes, what we know about ourselves can get in the way of exploring our own universes, places we’ve never touched due to a very natural sense of self-preservation and defense.
We seldom convince ourselves that we can do this, but definitely can’t do the other, so we run away from the latter, as fast as possible, dragging every remaining chance of change behind us. Our minds can get in the way of adventures.
I also believe that our beautiful, sometimes scared, but immensely imaginative minds can create worlds of so much wonder and adventure, that we start feeling the urge of finding a lost piece of courage in our blood to fight the scaredom and let go hop on that adventure wave and be one with the world. All we have to do is listen.
You don’t have to be in an exotic place to find that wave, though. You don’t have to quit your job in order to let go, unless it’s making you so miserable that everything you see is blackout curtains and no drop of light in the room. You don’t have to carry on so much on your shoulders. Oh, didn’t you know? That extra pressure you feel every day is coming from yourself, not from others, not from the world. You’re the only one who can chase it away. No pressure, though.
What is your favorite thing to do? Is it baking cookies? Is it helping others? Is it painting your garage walls? Is it singing from the top of your lungs, in the applauses of your shower drops? Is it writing poems in the dark of the night? Is it helping repair all your friends’ cars after you leave your white collar job in the afternoon? Oh, dear human, let it slide, make it alive. Give it a shot. Make room for your happiness. This could be your ticket to a more creative living. Put those ideas of yours into motion and create something – for you, for your family, for your community, for whomever you feel like.
You could turn your life into a great story that could inspire so many more around you. Never forget you’re not alone. Not in this world.